Home Improvement

Unexpected Things that Reduce Your Home’s Value

The value of your home is more than just the price you could sell it for. It’s a measure of how much that home will help you financially in the future. After all, buying an expensive home will put a strain on your monthly budget but buying a cheap one probably won’t set you up for life as well. When it comes time to sell, though, an informed buyer is your best friend. The smallest details about your home store magazine can have the biggest impact on its resale value. Even things like trash cans in plain sight and ugly carpet stains can make or break you when it comes time to sell (or give away) your home. There are plenty of little things that go a long way when it comes to lowering the cost of selling your property afterward.

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Don’t skimp on repairs

The things you fix in your home are instantly reduced by 25% when you sell. Even if you’re buying a home, a new repair is a red flag. If something is broken in the home you want to buy, ask yourself if that’s something you’d want to pay for every month. If not, you may want to consider passing on that house. Repairs come with a lasting cost, but they’re also a surefire way to reduce the price of your home and make it more attractive to buyers.

Bad paint colors

This isn’t just a matter of taste. If your home was built in the ‘50s or ‘60s, that avocado-green kitchen or pink bathroom isn’t a cute retro touch. It’s a nightmare for resale. The easiest way to go about fixing this is to have the paint job done by a professional. Another option is to repaint the room yourself if you’re careful. If you don’t have the cash to have the room repainted professionally, you can always try online resources like paint samples or paint color apps, which are free and easy to use.

Ugly bathrooms

While the paint is important, so are fixtures and fixtures are expensive to replace. If your bathroom fixtures are ugly and outdated, they’re going to make a resale a nightmare. Instead of trying to disguise them, replace them with new fixtures that will look great and be easier to sell. Replacing fixtures is one of the fastest ways to increase the value of your home.

Stained carpet and upholstery

Carpets and upholstery should be cleaned every few months. But if they’re stained, they reduce the value of your home by 25%. If your carpets and upholstery are stained, you may want to consider replacing them before you put your house up for sale. Buying new carpet and upholstery is more expensive than a professional cleaning, but new and clean are much more appealing than stained and old. Even if you don’t plan to sell your home, keeping your carpets and upholstery clean and new will keep it comfortable and clean, which is always a plus.

Excess clutter

We all have stuff. If you’ve got a lot of old clothes and broken furniture in your home, you could be taking thousands off the value of your property. If you want to sell your home quickly and for a high price, you’ll want to make sure that every room in your house is as clean and clutter-free as possible. You don’t have to get rid of everything or hire someone to come clean your house for you, but you do have to make an effort to keep your home clutter-free.


The things you do to your home have a lasting impact on its value. If you want to sell your house quickly and for a high price, you’ll want to make sure that every room in your house is as clean and clutter-free as possible. If your home needs repairs, be sure to hire a reputable contractor who will make sure the work is done correctly and on time. If your home needs a little extra TLC, you can use the extra money you’ve saved by keeping your costs down to pay for those repairs and updates.

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